This year I am making it my goal to be more organized. I am joining The Clutter-Free Classroom for the Clutter-Free Classroom Project. I am somewhat reluctant to share my pictures with you, so please be kind about my mess of a mess! I would love to have someone – anyone to blame as the one who has created this mess. But, I must confess that I am the one responsible. Unless, you would believe the kids did it! HA!
Before I show you the pictures, let me explain how I got into this mess of a mess. The first year I started teaching, the teacher who had previously been in my classroom had switched grade levels. There were several things in the room that still had her name and “personal” written on them. There weren’t a whole lot of resources in my classroom (she had taught for six years in first). The resources that were left were much older. I was a new teacher and I was afraid to throw anything away. I wasn’t sure what I would use and what I could toss. I kept everything and decided that I would go through it next summer.
Then the next summer….well, I never got around to it. I was busy planning and mapping our new reading curriculum and making a reading canopy for my reading corner. I know I shouldn’t have put it off, but I waited until the next summer (which was this last summer).
Each year we have to pack up EVERYTHING in our classrooms. Well, except for the materials stored in the built in storage and filing cabinets. So, I have to pack up my black storage cabinet, centers, my teacher’s desk, indoor recess activities, math manipulatives, classroom library, science materials, etc.
Last summer, my room was on the list to be painted. So, this meant I also had to remove everything from the walls, too! As I was getting my room ready last summer, I didn’t do the best job unpacking. Then this fall, we had to move things in order to prepare for our Smart Boards {YAY!!!} that we will be getting. They were supposed to be installed over break, but now it looks like it will be next summer.
Check back tomorrow - I will udpate this post with pictures!!